Sebastian's vocabulary has been taking a turn towards the truly unintelligible. Before I forget, I figure I better document his heretofore vocabulary. Parentheses if what he means doesn't resemble what you will see written phonetically.
- Apple. Which now he's usually using mostly for apples. Previously it was anything red. Or round. If not a ball. Also often means "up." And banana. And oranges. And christmas ornaments. And other things we're not quite sure of. It's kind of an all purpose word.
- Ap-puh-cah. Apricot / applesauce / cookie
- Nana. Banana. He usually gets this one right.
- Book
- Shoe
- Moon
- Car
- Cow
- water
- Wow
- Fishies
- baba (bottle)
- "Woof." Dog.
- "Enzo". Dog. See woof.
- Choo Choo. (Train)
- Up. Which also means down, as in "put me down". Or, "get me out of this stroller."
- Dow. (down) This is new.
- Tree. Also used to refer to anything with christmas lights on it.
- Turtle. Often refers to the vibrating "twinkle twinkle little star" plush turtle from Aunt Fran. Also used to refer to anything fun. And occasionally airplanes.
- "Uncle." See, Turtle
- Duck-duck. Also means "trucks." It makes sense, kind of.
- Guck. Trucks. Usually said with voice inflecting excitedly upwards. Yup. He's a boy
- Gockle. Bicycle. Not to be confused with...
- Gockle. Pickle.
- "Et-muh". Aka "airplanes." Which are also "A-lmo".
- "Eh-mo" Elmo. No. No no no!
- "Ball." Usually refers to balls. Also said when pointing to the floor after he's dropped food. We haven't figured that one out.
- "Out-side". Outside.
- "Nova." Anyone in a wheelchair.
- "Wiza." Any woman with red hair (!!!).
- "Wee-a" Maria.
- "Buh buh" Bye bye. Usually said five minutes after prompted. Trained seal, not our son.
- Flower. Gets this right, although disturbingly, it also seems to be the word for snow.
- Ear (also used for noses, mouths, and until recently eyes).
- Eye. Usually accompanied by attempt to pluck one out.
- (smack smack smack). That means yogurt.
- Cheeeee. Cheese
- techo (ceiling, in spanish. He learned this from daycare).
- Mo. (more)
- Dado (give it to me)
- Bear (stuffed, typically)
- Tweet-tweet-tweet (birdies)
- peas (please)
- mama (make this work/turn it on/help me out here)
- Meow (cat)
- Atchoo. (Sometimes it means thank you, other times, it is to point out you just sneezed).