Sunday, June 8, 2008

early summer blooms

We're having a pretty intense little heat wave, all the more brutal because of a pretty chilly May. The flowers like it, when they aren't wilting. Witness Hibiscus, after looking pretty lackluster the past couple weeks, this morning it came out bright and happy.
And then there's the Astilbe. Last year it fried in the sun and the pretty flowers turned brown right away. This year it came back so bushy, I'm hoping for longer lasting blooms.
And the Icelandic Poppies? I don't think 95 degrees and humid is what they get much of in Iceland, but they decided to bloom just now. The Gerbera daisies limped in the sun, but then after a good watering and overnight rest, they popped back, uh, fresh as a daisy.

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