Wednesday, July 22, 2009

just 6 weeks left

I'm huge. And there's progress. Yesterday I came home and the baby room has a door! It doesn't have windows (or a whole bunch of other stuff), but it does have a gorgeous door, in a fun kid-friendly red orange. Yay Steve!

Now the question is what color to paint the baby room to match that door. I'm going for either a paler orange, or a blue. Pale -- we want his room to be bright. Opinions?


Eliza said...

The door looks great! And you do too, btw
As for the walls, I'm all for a neutral and let the door pop.

BestViewInBrooklyn said...

I like the light blue (really light, like patriotic white - which we bought thinking it was actually white) idea. Congrats on the door, and the impending birth!