Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Signs of spring!  Everything is greening -- the flowering quince has leaves and even buds, and bulbs are shooting up, well, shoots.  I thought this was a result of two weekends of unseasonable wonderfulness, but looking back at last year, it seems like we're right on schedule.  I took a bunch of pictures of greening branches, and well, it looked pretty much exactly like those images last year.  So something more visually appealing:  I'm really happy my "garbage can" planter is performing. 

Last year I got all bent out of shape because everyone had daffodils but us.  So I specifically ordered early blooming daffodils.  And yet.  In Union Square there are daffodils blooming.  And I've seen some around the neighborhood too, I think.  Kod nas, while many of the tulips seem to be coming up, (I think that's what those are), I only see the beginnings of some daffs.  What's going on here?  I think I'm daffodil cursed. 

But, who can get upset about crocuses.  I didn't think I liked the crocus.  Until they came up so cheerfully and really brightened up the yard.  Makes my day.  Now I"m a huge fan of the crocus.  Note to self:  they work really well in the concrete blocks. 

A possible culprit of the mysterious invisible daffodils.  We inherited a refugee/friend from one of Steve's jobs (thanks Patricia!).  It got planted in the dead of the coldest part of December, and we were a bit worried it wouldn't make it.  But it seems to be thriving.  But we should not rule out the possibility that in planting it (thanks Steve's helpers!) existing bulbs plants were dislodged/destroyed. If the peony survives, they're going to look great together. 

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