Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The "shady bed" in the back

Not so much here. Originally, it was dug out for wedding hydrangeas, but they all died; just didn't come back in 2006. It's the shadiest part of the yard. I planted this year with Guacamole Hostas (late June), some Heuchura ("Coral Bells"), and then a wood sorrel that reminds me of the redwood forest in california (oxalis crassipes ‘blush’). We also moved a planter back here with Astilbe) after it was getting totally fried on the patio by the house.

Of course, a couple weeks later and nobody back there is very happy. I think the heuchura is dead, and the sorrel looks very unhappy. The hosta is limp, but then again, how much do I care about it? Not that much. Not that in love with the Hosta.

The border, by the way, is leftover slate floor tile from the house. I'm not in love with it, but it helps keep Enzo from peeing back there. Can't speak for the stray cats tho.

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