Monday, May 25, 2009

may being may

The overview. And a cute dog enjoying the fine morning. It is his yard, after all.

Why did the dianthus come back -- I thought it was an annual? And in Betsy's planter, is that Salvia? Or a thyme? Calla lillies coming up in the green planter, with cosmos in the meantime happy as cosmos can be.

Peonies about to happen. Astilbe about to happen. An allium that happened behind them. And that damn hosta.
Irises came out yesterday -- the big humungus weird brown one, (and check out the new lavender live long and prosper, my friend).
Also more Iris -- the purple on the side. These look like they're still purple and didn't turn brown. The little guys in front of them are going to be someone. I forget who they are. Must check.
Lisa's bulbs (brodaeia?) adorable and starry at the front of that bed, merging with the grass in a really appealing and delicate way.

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